RIP Stan Lee + Detective Pikachu
Yesterday, November 12th, Stan Lee, sadly, has died at 95. We watched Teen Titans GO To The Movies on Sunday and I was surprised to see him in the movie. I loved his cameos in every Marvel film, especially Infinity War (I haven't seen Venom yet, so no spoiling the movie for me!). But after Veterans Day, I never heard the news on his death until today, when I checked the App Store and I saw something: "Remembering Stan Lee (I think it said that)". So I searched him and.... he... he... died. I looked up what he died from Pneumonia. But to tribute his death, here's all his cameos:
This is sad..... RIP STAN LEE. We will miss you.
Also, they said his cameo in Avengers 4 is confirmed! I don't know about Captain Marvel, though.
And finally.... to ruin your Pokemon childhood... look at the upcoming Detective Pikachu trailer and tell me this is NOT like the Japan version!!!! I thought it was going to be a dub of the Japan version.
Even look at Jigglypuff! They made the movie too realistic! It's like taking realistic Pokemon fan art and putting it in the movie (According to The Verge)... I have watched the trailer... and Mr Mime, Psyduck, Charizard looked weird. But this is the stuff of nightmares... I hope Mewtwo doesn't look like a mess. This.... was not was I expecting. Does that remind you of something???? Death Note on Netflix. The movie comes out Summer 2019, as well as Toy Story 4.