I have moved to a new blog

Hello. I have moved to a new blog. I now post art and other content on there, go check it out. This blog is old and going back to it, I dislike seeing my old posts and hate when people look at my posts. Consider this blog "old shame" for me since I made this blog in 2019 during my high school years. https://wimbearn.blogspot.com/

Avengers: Endgame is out! My meme of it!

To promote the movie, I did a meme from this show called Martin.
Well, I did other versions of the meme:
Ear Warning!
Here's a blank version of the meme. Download here:
No spoiling!

Edit: WTH! 12 views!!!! 😸😸😸😸Also, Google "Thanos" for a surprise!

Share the blank meme with your friends:

Thank you guys!

I bet you can't beat my O'Reily meme I did last year.
Edit again: NEVER MIND. You did! I'll post a meme later on this blog.
Edit: Wow! 29 views! One more and I'll make another meme of this. :)
Edit: COUGH! I just choked on water because this now has 32 views! I'll do the meme!
Edit Again: 41 viewsss!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much! Make sure you follow this blog!


https://wimbearn.blogspot.com/ instead.