Annoying Things in Video Games I've Encountered! (Mostly Pokemon)
This is my opinion. It's mostly Pokémon or Pokémon Sun and Moon (don't' hate me), but some annoying things has happened to me in other games that I've played as well. So here's my list.
1. Call For Help (Pokémon Sun and Moon, Ultra Sun and Moon)
The most annoying feature I have encountered and I dislike is the CFH system in Pokémon Sun and Moon. It helps for finding rare Pokémon, but when you go on totem trials, it gets difficult. I tried finding a Castform in my Moon game but had no luck as I kept getting that darn Goomy. WHY???? Also, in the dragon totem trial, Scizor appears, but you can't catch it during a trial. At least they didn't do it in Pokemon Sword and Shield and the Let's GO games. Speaking of call for help....
2. Totem Salazzle (Pokémon Sun and Moon)
I really had a tough time with this trial. I nearly gave up Pokemon Moon because of this!!!!! I remember watching a walkthrough on how to beat it (the person in the video used Mudbray). I caught a Mudbray and then I used a ground type move and as soon as I did, Salazzle killed it because it was faster!!!! Also, it calls for Salandit to appear and guess what they do? Poison your team. So if you're poisoned, that gives the Salazzle a chance to make it worse. Luckily, I think I beat it with Torracat. In Ultra Moon (which I didn't get far into), Salandit is replaced with Alolan Marowak (to make things harder, I guess????)
3. Gargaros (Yo-Kai Watch)
The first time encountering this thing was when I first played Yo-Kai Watch on my 3DS (cause I loved the anime on Disney XD (it is now cancelled cause of low ratings)). So then, I thought Gargaros would come out at night to stop the player, but it happens any time!!! If you were caught by him, your team would be dead, unless you had a stronger team. Worse, you can't use your bike during Terror Time and if you were caught by his Yo-Kai, he will run faster. The door is at different locations too..... I believe I stopped playing cause of this. But, I plan to come back to Yo-Kai Watch sometime.
4. Confusion (Pokémon)
I'm looking at you, Confuse Ray. I hate this status condition. I mean, how do you hurt yourself in confusion? Well, if you tried to use Bite and your Pokémon is confused, they bite themselves. Makes sense, because in a episode of Pokémon Sun and Moon, when Ash faced Gladion, Gladion's Lycanroc was confused that it bit it's hand or arm. But when using moves like Surf or a move to boost your stats, that just doesn't make any sense. Does the water just make a u-turn at the Pokémon, causing them to get hurt??? What????
I would prefer that the Pokémon shouldn't hurt theirself, but instead doesn't hear what you said or refuses to take orders, until they snap out of confusion, otherwise, it wouldn't make sense for a Hyper Beam to make a U-turn and hit the Pokémon like that....
5. Literally every enemy in Ninja Gaiden (NES)

I remember my mom getting the NES Classic from Target. I played Ninja Gaiden on it after she gave it to me, and it is the HARDEST GAME on the NES. Every enemy you touch will do some knockback damage to you (like in Castlevania on the NES) and if you die, you start at the beginning of the stage (if I remembered correctly).
6. Those text boxes! (Castlevania 2 (NES))
They pop up anytime at your gameplay. What's worse, you can't skip it! At day, enemies are easy, but at night, they are hard to beat. I also played this on the NES Classic.
1. Call For Help (Pokémon Sun and Moon, Ultra Sun and Moon)
The most annoying feature I have encountered and I dislike is the CFH system in Pokémon Sun and Moon. It helps for finding rare Pokémon, but when you go on totem trials, it gets difficult. I tried finding a Castform in my Moon game but had no luck as I kept getting that darn Goomy. WHY???? Also, in the dragon totem trial, Scizor appears, but you can't catch it during a trial. At least they didn't do it in Pokemon Sword and Shield and the Let's GO games. Speaking of call for help....
2. Totem Salazzle (Pokémon Sun and Moon)
I really had a tough time with this trial. I nearly gave up Pokemon Moon because of this!!!!! I remember watching a walkthrough on how to beat it (the person in the video used Mudbray). I caught a Mudbray and then I used a ground type move and as soon as I did, Salazzle killed it because it was faster!!!! Also, it calls for Salandit to appear and guess what they do? Poison your team. So if you're poisoned, that gives the Salazzle a chance to make it worse. Luckily, I think I beat it with Torracat. In Ultra Moon (which I didn't get far into), Salandit is replaced with Alolan Marowak (to make things harder, I guess????)
3. Gargaros (Yo-Kai Watch)
The first time encountering this thing was when I first played Yo-Kai Watch on my 3DS (cause I loved the anime on Disney XD (it is now cancelled cause of low ratings)). So then, I thought Gargaros would come out at night to stop the player, but it happens any time!!! If you were caught by him, your team would be dead, unless you had a stronger team. Worse, you can't use your bike during Terror Time and if you were caught by his Yo-Kai, he will run faster. The door is at different locations too..... I believe I stopped playing cause of this. But, I plan to come back to Yo-Kai Watch sometime.
I'm looking at you, Confuse Ray. I hate this status condition. I mean, how do you hurt yourself in confusion? Well, if you tried to use Bite and your Pokémon is confused, they bite themselves. Makes sense, because in a episode of Pokémon Sun and Moon, when Ash faced Gladion, Gladion's Lycanroc was confused that it bit it's hand or arm. But when using moves like Surf or a move to boost your stats, that just doesn't make any sense. Does the water just make a u-turn at the Pokémon, causing them to get hurt??? What????
I would prefer that the Pokémon shouldn't hurt theirself, but instead doesn't hear what you said or refuses to take orders, until they snap out of confusion, otherwise, it wouldn't make sense for a Hyper Beam to make a U-turn and hit the Pokémon like that....
5. Literally every enemy in Ninja Gaiden (NES)

I remember my mom getting the NES Classic from Target. I played Ninja Gaiden on it after she gave it to me, and it is the HARDEST GAME on the NES. Every enemy you touch will do some knockback damage to you (like in Castlevania on the NES) and if you die, you start at the beginning of the stage (if I remembered correctly).
They pop up anytime at your gameplay. What's worse, you can't skip it! At day, enemies are easy, but at night, they are hard to beat. I also played this on the NES Classic.
This is from AVGN's video (had to censor some words).
7. Lusamine's Clefable (Pokémon Sun and Moon)
Similar to Totem Salazzle, I also nearly quit Pokémon Moon because of Ultra Beast Queen Lusamine's Clefable. Luckily on my 2nd try, I used Gyrados and it used a move that caused it to faint.
And that's all of those things I can think of. What were some things you've encountered in video games? Comment below.